Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bison for a House Pet

In my opinion, the top news story of the day has nothing to do with the peculiarity of this election cycle, the actions of an army that considers itself a catalyst of the coming apocalypse, or even public restroom access. No, the top story belongs to Bullet, a house-broken bison cow now living in Argyle, Texas. Bullet is a cow, so she is not like a bull in a china closet, and she has been known to wander through her owner's home on occasion. Bullet's owner, Karen Schoeve, must now sell the 1,000 pound bovine cutie, and interested parties with a big enough spread for a pet bison should contact her.

Here is a link to a fine Dallas Morning News article about Bullet:

Back in my Yellowstone days, I remember reading about how to acquire a free Yellowstone buffalo from the Department of the Interior. Seeing as I didn't own property, and my backyard was Yellowstone National Park anyway, I never requested a buffalo from the government. Now, after seeing what a fine friend a bison can make, perhaps I should have written the Department of the Interior and requested a big furry companion after all.

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