Saturday, November 5, 2016

Sam Houston for President

If only the Republic of Texas' first president, Sam Houston, were alive to run for the highest office in the United States today. Here are some quotations that provide clues as to how he would govern:

"I would give no thought of what the world might say of me, if I could only transmit to posterity the reputation of an honest man."

"All new states are invested, more or less, by a class of noisy, second rate men who are always in favor of rash and extreme measures, but Texas was overrun by such men."

"I am aware that in presenting myself as an advocate of the Indians and their rights, I shall stand very much alone."

Here is a photograph of Sam Houston being presented a copy of the Panther City Review.

Here is a short video on the life of Sam Houston. It was created by Voice of America for English language learners.

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