Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Stars at Night

Earlier this week, Martina and I drove onto a country road to watch the Geminid meteor shower for a little while. Even though we were still close to town, we were able to see quite a few meteorites streak across the sky. 

The night sky has always fascinated me, and that fascination sometimes figures into my fiction. For example, "A Frontier's Passing," in Waylon County, is the story of an astronomer from the McDonald Observatory. The astronomer, in boots and jeans, muses on the abstractions of time and space as well as the concrete concerns of his own terrestrial world. Essentially, he is like most folks, except he knows more about redshift and blueshift than a lot of us. Well, regardless of what I know or don't know, I still love to sit under the stars in rural Texas and wonder.

Here is a little Stardust for you:

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