Thursday, August 31, 2017

Gaspocalypse Now

Yesterday on my way home from work I was not in the mood to stop and get gas despite the fact that my tank was fairly close to empty. Big mistake. For verily, the gaspocalypse is upon us. As of late this afternoon, every gas pump in my immediate area was covered in a plastic bag. But there is no need to panic. We are not about to plunge into a dystopian post-automotive world where bands of ululating marauders go riding around on bicycles reenacting the opening scene of Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, nor will we all take on Australian accents and dress up like heavy metal refugees and scour the staked plains in search of liquid dinosaurs. No, we will be living in our current dystopia except without easy access to fuel for a few days. I am pretty sure we will all survive.

1 comment:

  1. I found myself in a similar predicament, low on gas and a trip to Godley Friday night for some high school football. Woke up at five a.m. and found a place nearby to fill up.
    Stupid is always an irritant but when it becomes an inconvenience, it really ticks me off.
