However, the main reason I dedicated the building to James S. Hogg is that he named his daughter "Ima," which tends to elicit a guilty chuckle. The story goes that Ima had a sister named "Ura," although this is not true. "Ura" was just added to the tale for comedy's sake. So, to me, tacking James S. Hogg's name to a place called "a document production and data transcription building," which sounds stiflingly bureaucratic, adds an element of absurdity to the story.
However, choosing to name the building after James S. Hogg was not just for comedic effect. Cynicism also played a substantial role. After all, how could a person be so short-sighted and thoughtless that he would name his daughter "Ima Hogg" yet still be capable of winning the governorship?
One thing is for sure. You have to love Texas, where the line between satire and reality is sometimes indistinguishable.
Here is a link to a TSHA article about Governor James Hogg:
Here is a photo of Ima Hogg:
Here is where you can get your copy of Waylon County:
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