Tuesday, January 2, 2018

You Say You Want a Resolution, Weeeell, You Knoooow!!!!!

Although the aptly-named Gizzard Newton in Waylon County: Texas Stories makes one of the more peculiar resolutions that I know of, I personally am not an advocate of New Year's resolutions. If I were to make a resolution, it would be to resolve to make no further resolutions. To me, New Year's resolutions are what keep fitness centers in business. In January, there is not an open treadmill in the entire gym, and by mid-February, it's back to the same old crowd of gym-goers, none of whom, I doubt, needed a resolution to go work out.

If you would like to read "Gizzard Newton's Law," which features a cameo appearance by a bowl of black-eyed peas covered in chow chow, the link to purchase Waylon County: Texas Stories is below: 

Here is a picture of my heavy bag. Rather than make a resolution to work out on it every day, I bump into it when I park my car in the garage. That's how I know the car is all the way inside.


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